Our PTA is an extraordinary group of parents, teachers, staff, extended family and local businesses who all come together to enhance the educational environment for our students. Please join the PTA! With your help, we can support our school through many events and volunteer opportunities. Our PTA provides and helps fund student activities, service projects, special programs, teacher luncheons, field trips, classroom technology, library and classroom books and so much more! We take great pride in having 100% membership participation year after year. This is your PTA and we hope you will attend our meetings and events. Remember, YOU make Fairmont great!
Contact us:
"Like" our Fairmont Elementary PTA page on Facebook
and follow fairmontbuzz on Instagram.
President: Felisia Rayment
Vice President: TBA
Secretary: TBA
Treasurer: Kelly Grieb
Hospitality: Katie Jett and Emily Jones
Fall Festival: Marianne McDonald, Meredith Kirkpatrick, Nellie Nave
Fall Festival Auction: Erica Tetrick
Fall Festival Art Auction: Meg Bolton
Spirit Sales: Bentha Shea and Danielle Kowalczuk
Service: Pam Osbolt
Culture Arts: Laura Los
Yearbook: Holly Trigg
Teacher Representative: Leslie Snapp